
Ägypten - Sudan - Äthiopien

zuletzt inhaltlich bearbeitet: 07.10.2000

Informationen von Steffen Honzera

Informationen zur Verschiffung über den Lake Nasser, Assuan- Wadi Halfa, Stand 23.07.2000:
Überlandtour Tunis-Nairobi Mai - September 2000
Frank Feustle, Kaoru Yamashita, Steffen Honzera
Fahrzeug:Mercedes GD 290 TD
Route: Tunesien, Lybien, Ägypten, Sudan, Äthiopien, Kenia
Grenzübertritt Lybien - Sudan in Al Kofra: Wurde uns von der Security Police, Officer mit Namen Achmed Ali, auffällige Persönlichkeit verweigert. Anwerben eines ortskundigen Führers für die illegale Umfahrung des libyschen Grenzpostens wurde von diesem Offizier verhindert. Alleinfahrt erschien uns zu riskant, Weiterfahrt nach Ägypten!
Roadtax in Ägypten für den MB 290 GD beträgt 1050 Ägyptische Pfund, ca. 600 DM.
Für die Personenfähre die jeden Montag von Assuan nach Wadi Halfa verkehrt können Tickets zum preis von 80.5 EP pro Person beim Schalter der Schlafwagenreservierung in der Ramsis-Train- Station in Kairo Samstags und Sonntags gekauft werden. Alternativ natürlich auch in Assuan im Office der Nile River Shipping Cooperation (s.u.). Auto und Motorradverschiffung müssen in Assuan arrangiert werden. Motorräder können auf der Passagierfähre mitgenommen werden, Autos benötigen ein Frachtboot, das mehr oder weniger unregelmäßig verkehrt!
Fährt ein Frachtboot, dann kostet die Passage für einen Geländewagen  925.-EP+ die Tickets für die Mitfahrer  (pro Person 80.5EP)  Kontakt in Assuan: Nile River Shipping Cooperation an der Corniche in Assuan, beim Büro der Touristenpolizei (der Infostand am Bahnhof Assuan weis den Weg) Ansprechpartner: Mr.Salah tel.:097-303348,Samstag,Sonntag und Dienstag, jeweils 9.00-11.00 Uhr. Unsere Wartezeit in Assuan: 9 Tage, Abfahrt: 22.07.2000 Assuan, Ankunft: 24.07.2000 Wadi Halfa
Kontakt in Wadi Halfa:
Midhat Mahir Ahmed, p.o.Box 10,Wadi Halfa, Sudan
Tel.:0251-22222, 0251-22293, 0251-22330, 0251-22322
sehr freundlicher und cleverer Mann der die Einreiseformalitäten für den Sudan routiniert erledigt!
Abgelaufenes Sudan Visum aus Deutschland kann in Kairo problemlos erneuert werden, allerdings erst nach Ablauf der Gültigkeit.
Unsere Wartezeit: 1 Tag, Kosten: 54 US $ pro Person
Sudan Visum in Kairo: Wartezeit ca.  4 Wochen,54 US $
gültig für einen Monat, einmalige Einreise.
Sichtvermerk von Südafrika beeinträchtigt die Visaerteilung nicht mehr!
Soweit die News- viel Spaß beim reisen! Steffen Honzera

Der Dank aller Traveller, die seine Route nachfahren möchten gilt Dirk Berhard für diesen Bericht, den er per Email am 12.05.2000 geschickt hat.

Hi there transafrica list and others!
For those of you who don't know me: I am Dirk Bernhardt from germany riding my Honda Africa Twin from Aachen/Germany to Southafrica. Check out www.krid.de/reise.html for more. Greetings from Addis Ababa. Here are some hard facts for you. First, the bad news for you bottom-uppers: You can get the sudanese visa in Addis only when you show an air ticket. The visa has a hand-written "only by air" on it. The border post won't let you in with that. I met some people who were refused. The embassy doesn't tell you why this is now. So, that's the bad news. Maybe you can get a visa in Nairobi without that ticket-only-by-air thing, I don't know.
Expensive to take the bike in, you need a carnet, and it takes some time. - tickets for the ferry across lake nasser: for the persons you get them at the wadi el nile authority, next to the tourist police on the second street behind the nile. costs 88.50 EP. the ticket for the bike you get in the harbour, costs 144EPs, buy it the morning you arrive there for leaving. the ticket includes 1 dinner and two drinks, bring soething for breakfast.
In wadi halfa there's a helpful guy who will approach you on the ferry already. he's from the tourist authority or something. US$ 15 for customs and another US$15 for the registration and travel perit was what I paid. noone ever asked me for a photo permit. the sites permit for visiting is compulsory as they won't let you see the pyramids without it. (US$10 per site, Stefan got in in Khartoum). In Halfa you can get fuel for 650SD per gallon. go downhill from the market to find the place. there's supposed to be a bank in wadi halfa.
Khartoum: for the ethiopian visa you need a return ticket and a letter of recommendation from your embassy. you can cancel the ticket afterwards. some travel agencies hesitate to do it, so you may have to ask several ones. here's what i paid: 5% of $355 cancelling fee ($20), $10 for the travel agency service, $63 for the visa, 2600SD for the letter. You CAN change traveller cheques at the National bank of Abu Dabi in Khartoum, but they charge you 5 to 10% fee. So, this is only for emergency. You can also transfer money to one of their accounts and get the cash-$ if you show an airticket out of sudan. This is better that TCs. So, you better take cash-$ with you. I was not asked for a money declaration! You can get the travel permit in Khartoum also quickly at the tourist police (20minutes) instead of walking around for days asking at other offices. If you enter Sudan at Karabutum, check that they stamp your carnet correctly, they did not do it with Stefan's. The street Gedaref-Gallabat is no problem when dry, maybe difficult when wet, we did it in 4.5 hours. Check www.klaus.daerr.de for some GPS coordinates. In Gallabat emigration is easy. Change excess Dinars into Birr on the Sudanese side, the rate is better there.
In Metemma only customs and police check, you must do the immigration work in Shehedi, about 42kms into Ethiopia. You can sleep at the Sakbesak Hotel. The immigration and customs cost US$1 (one). YOU DON'T NEED A CARNET!! The street to Azezo is no problem, if it rains you may have to cross 2 to 3 creeks. Also, you can change TCs in Ethiopia at every Commercial Bank with good rates.


www.thuraya.de www.expeditionstechnik.de www.daerr.net

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